Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Modern society Essay

The modern family is obviously in many ways different from the traditional family types that existed in the past. A number of trends are at work nowadays shaping the modern, or, as some scholars put it, post-modern family (United Nations University). These factors affect the basic foundations of the family and reconfigure the roles of all members of this institution, receiving different evaluations of psychologists, economists, and sociologists. Professor Yount from Emory University notes that modern American families have undergone a dramatic sociological change in the past decades. Thus, the size of household declined among Caucasians and African Americans and rose among Hispanics, the â€Å"percentage of households headed by married couples declined from 78 percent to 53 percent in the period from 1950 to 1998† (Yount, 2005). In addition, the proportion of dual-earning couples has increased significantly, creating a new economic reality (Yount, 2005). Today, the woman is increasingly contributing as much as or even more than the man to the family budget, a fact that has implications for her economic role in the family. A woman is more likely to remain financially independent after divorce or even lose money in divorce proceedings to her husband. This has positive implications for children that are less likely to remain without support after the parents’ separation and benefits the society, creating a new workforce pool. Against this background a noticeable trend is certainly an alarming divorce rate. In a certain sense, this trend works against growing importance of women as bread winners, contributing to insecurity of children’s well-being and putting heavy financial pressure on spouses that take custody of children. On the other hand, divorce rates are connected to â€Å"the new level of women’s involvement in the workplace, as well as modernization of women’s roles in general† (Swanson 2004:1). In a sense, divorce is the result of growing egalitarianism in family relations, a trend clear from the psychological perspective. Families become more and more egalitarian in the sense that younger and older members, women and men are achieving a more equal status in many ways. However, Swanson (2004) also points out that perfect egalitarianism remains elusive. Most men and women aspiring to build egalitarian families in the times of their courtship face a reality in which they cannot attain this desired ideal and instead lapse into traditional rigid gender roles. This becomes even more of a problem with childbirth. Although men tend to have a greater role in parenting than before, women are still responsible for most of it, and it tends to re-shape the roles in the family toward greater participation of the woman in household duties and increases her workload relative to that of the man. Thus, a study conducted in Switzerland â€Å"reveals some moderate tendencies towards less sex typing of task allocation in such items as administrative contacts, gifts, holidays, cleaning, but there seems to be a hard core of tasks showing very little change (cooking meals, washing)† (Levy, Widmer, Kellerhals 2002). There are many other changes obvious in the psychological realm. Values and priorities in family life are undergoing a constant change. United Nations University in its article on the post-modern family notes that today’s families see â€Å"optional participation in most aspects of communal life, high levels of privacy and choice† as opposed to â€Å"compulsory participation in all aspects of communal life, lack of privacy and personal choice†. Because of lower level of required participation in communal activities, people experience a shift in the nature of identity, often associating themselves with a greater number of fluid social groups. Values become less constant, and social roles are changing. One interesting trend pointed out by Professor Gillis of Rutgers University is the growing virtual character of people’s connections with home. Many spend little time at the place associated with their home, something underscored by the fact that â€Å"homemade† and â€Å"homecooked† is likely to be made anywhere but at home† (Gillis 2000:7). On the other hand, modern communication possibilities in the form of Internet, cheaper long-distance calling and other ways allow for greater connection with relatively remote places. This creates prerequisites for a deep psychological change in the mentality of people who feel at the same time estranged and closer to their relatives who they see less frequently, but can communicate with from a distance. A word should also be said about the emergence of non-traditional households, starting from cohabitation prior to marriage that can now last decades to homosexual households and those including several couples. Welcomed or abhorred, these families also have a presence in the modern society. As to homosexual couples, we see these days a clear trend toward legitimizing these relationships. This can have far-reaching consequences for modern families. There is a greater scope of opportunities for adoption of children, greater security for members of such families that previously lacked social security, and other economic and social advantages. However, there is also an opinion that the prevalence of these arrangements destroys the foundations of the regular family. Thus, families nowadays undergo a profound change that occurs on sociological, psychological, and economic plane. Most often, these planes prove to be deeply interconnected in many ways. Thus, divorce has roots in growing egalitarianism and shift of values that affect the psychology of young people who get married. On the other hand, it has profound economic ramifications, creating instability and jeopardizing the financial well-being of women and children in most cases. Overall, the modern family demonstrates many trends, increasingly exhibiting diversity and fluidity in definition of patterns and values. Bibliography Gillis, John R. â€Å"Our Virtual Families: Toward a Cultural Understanding of Modern Family Life†. Emory University’s Center on Myth and Ritual in American Life Newletter Working Paper No. 2 (2000). 19 November 2006 . Levy, Rene, Widmer, Eric, and Jean Kellerhals. â€Å"Modern family or modernized family traditionalism? : Master status and the gender order in Switzerland†. Electronic Journal of Sociology (2002): Universite de Lausanne. 19 November 2006 .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

HRM Analysis Essay

1. Should the concern for women getting down into the dirty treatment tanks have been a selection issue? Yes, we think the concern for women getting down into the dirty tanks should be a selection issue because depending on the women, some women wouldn’t mind doing that kind of work, but most women would probably not want to do that job. You can’t discriminate against the women and tell them they shouldn’t or can’t do this, so this job opportunity should stay open and the women can decide if they want to apply for that position. If women didn’t want to get into the dirty tanks then they should apply for a different department. The manager should have options on the application, such as office work, filing, secretary, etc. so the employee can specify in their application what they would like to apply for. If they would have an issue working with the dirty tanks then they shouldn’t apply for that position. The manager should be able to place them somewhere else according to their answer in the application. A lot of women would not want to do this job so I think that the people who do work in this department should get paid more than the other employees, it will be more appealing to the applicants, and maybe they can get more women working in that section. It is also looks better for the company if both women and men both work in that department, so it will be a diverse talent pool among Ovania, as well as an equal opportunity for both men and women. 2. Would this test battery and selection procedure be defensible in court? Yes I think this test battery and selection procedure would be defensible in court. The battery of tests are not to look at previous experience, in which could encourage minorities and women to apply to the new position excluding of their prior experience. They are also not considering the fact that if someone has a lot of experience in a certain field, should be the ones interviewed first, since they want the people with the most talent. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, forbids employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national derivation and Under the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws prohibit specific types of job discrimination in certain workplaces. In this case, they should be treating everyone who applies there equally and giving everyone the same opportunities, regardless if they have been with the company before, of if they have seniority. I believe that this company is doing the right thing because if a new employee applies for a job, and they are very skilled and talented, they should get the same opportunity that the employees who have prior experience do. If the company hired all employees that had previous work experience, they would be discriminating against the applicants who don’t. For the applicants who don’t have prior knowledge, they are trying to get the opportunity to work at Ovania so they can get the experience they need for their field of work. It is also a worthy way to have Ovania’s reputation stand out, by creating equal opportunity to everyone.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Important aspects of HIPPA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Important aspects of HIPPA - Essay Example HIPAA is one of the complex federal laws that focus on healthcare sector, the act was one of the responses of the Congress to the healthcare reforms and it affects the whole of healthcare industry. The act outlines criminal and civil penalties that arise from failure of compliance by any party in the industry. HIPAA is one of the civil rights laws that give patients the right to control use of their information on health; the other important aspect of HIPAA is that it is mandatory. HIPAA has greatly impacted on the privacy of patient’s health information; the act protects the protected health information of patients whether oral, written or electronic, and defines how patient’s health information can be used defining where and which information can be used and the relevant requirements for such use (Herdman & Moses, 2006, p. 13). Protected Health Information or the PHI refers to any information that is identifying the individual person is considered confidential; such information includes billing information, physician and nursing notes, as well as other treatment records that are about the individual or his present, past or future mental or physical condition. HIPAA acts as a privacy rule, its privacy regulation scope limits disclosure and use of PHI, it limits who can use or request for a patient’s PHI and provides a criteria that can be used to de-identify information. HIPAA provides administrative requirements and establishes mechanisms like external complaint processes and whistleblower provisions that can be used by patients to report violations. The act has established individual rights over his/her health information as contained by providers, employers or health insurance plans. These rights include individual rights to access, notice, amend, and file complaint as well as right to have confidential communication. From the individual patient’s view,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Business Strategy - Assignment Example Its close proximity to the Mexican city makes it a hotspot and many investors find it an ideal place. This is because, even though there is lots of news on criminal activities, Morelia has a good security network. In addition, it is home to Mexico’s leading learning institutions, which again make it a vital place for any investor’s growth. However, for the city to realize such a sensitive dream, both the local and national governments have to back it up because it proves to be viable for IT. From the article summarized above, the most evident concept is outsourcing. Briefly, outsourcing is a business strategy in which organizations transfer non-core activities and liabilities to external firms in order to attain a competitive advantage (Gamble, et al 115). Morelia is a city with high outsourcing capabilities since it is need of information technology. ClusterTIM is a very huge IT company in the city and has the potential to outsource. The major targets are Ecosistemas, which is digital animation company; Deipi, a renowned international IT and marketing consulting company; Konexo, a contact center; and Scio Consulting, a company credited with software development. In addition, ClusterTIM has outsourced close to 37 business entities and is in collaboration with 22 universities. This makes the dream of being an IT based city a valid dream. By outsourcing services from all the mentioned entities, Morelia, through ClusterTIM will obtain three key advantages. One, there will be an overall decrease in costs. This in return, will act as a stimulant especially for the IT sector which is a new product. Universities have fresh knowledge and thus by outsourcing their services, it will be easy to get superior talents beyond the ClusterTIM’s in house capability. In a good way, it will help eliminate idle capacity and give the chance of

Data Analysis and Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Data Analysis and Research - Essay Example 1978).  Several software have been developed (Hahn,G.J. and Meeker, W.Q. 1991), to help analyze data this include Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Stata, R, Minitab, SAS and many more. Data analysis in mixed methods research consists of analyzing the qualitative data using qualitative methods and the quantitative data using quantitative methods; therefore, knowing the steps in both forms of analysis is necessary in mixed research methods (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007). For both forms of analysis, researchers go through the following similar set of steps: preparing the data for analysis, exploring the data, analyzing the data, representing the analysis, and validating the data. These procedures in quantitative research and qualitative research are different from each other as stated by Creswell and Plano Clark, (2007). In this project, to prove or rather to disapprove the hypothesis in an effort to answer the set of questions SPSS has been used to analyze the given se t of data. The answers to the questions are thus given in the preceding paragraphs; Question A Hypothesis to be tested; a) H0: There is no significant difference in the salary earned by male and female employees b) H1: There is significant difference in the salary earned by male and female employees Since we have two groups (male and female) to compare their means and whose sample is less than 30 (a sample of 25 in this case), T-Test would be an appropriate test to use. T-Test is appropriate to be used to conduct the test since it assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other. From table 1 below, it can clearly be observed that the mean earning for the male employees is higher than that of the female employees. On average the male employees earn ? 24005 while the female employees earn 20319. Table 1: Report How much did you earn (?) last year Gender Mean N Std. Deviation Male 24005 13 3931.393 Female 20319 12 2370.797 Total 22236 25 3719.652 Th e difference can further be shown in the boxplot below; To answer part A of the questions i.e. whether there is any evidence that male and female employees differ in their salaries an independent samples test had to be conducted. From table 2 (Independent Samples Test), it can be observed that the p-value=0.010 (that is when the equal variances are assumed) which is less than the significance level (5%), we thus reject the null hypothesis and conclude that indeed there is a significant difference in the salaries earned by the male employees and the female employees. The male employees earn more than the female employees. Similar decision rule is made when unequal variances is assumed (p-value=0.10). Table 2: Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper How much did you earn (?) last year Equal variances assumed 2.710 .113 2.808E0 23 .010 3.686E3 1.313E3 970.142 6.401E3 Equal variances not assumed 2.863E0 1.994E1 .010 3.686E3 1.287E3 999.698 6.371E3 Question B Hypothesis to be tested; H0: There is no significant difference in the likelihood of raising a safety issue with the company’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Democracy is a long fight which is somehow greeted with lots of Essay

Democracy is a long fight which is somehow greeted with lots of rejection. Most philosophers die trying to revolutionize the wor - Essay Example Locke fought for democracy even before the ages of democracy inauguration arrived. His writing about the two treatises of the government was a major contribution. By adopting a technique of social contract, Locke was able to explain that the authority that the state legitimately owned was from individual people in the society. Locke argued that if the rights of individuals in the society are infringed and violet the legitimate authority of the state can be withdrawn. The law of nature describes the aspect of Locke’s argument and he states that human beings should not invade and infringe the rights of their fellows. Locke’s contribution to chapter XIX of the Treatise is clearly against degeneration of war by failure of the government to hold the power that generates from the natural stage. Locke believed that people were free by nature (Theriault, 2009). His notion and belief on freedom led to the foundation of freedom in the Government. According to the philosopher, the government exists in order to promote public good, protect life, liberty, and, in general, to protect the property of its people. Locke argues that those governing the country must be elected from the society in order for them to represent the will of the society. Locke refers to the dissolution of the government and reformation of the government by the society since he refers to the society as one body that has the power to control the government. Locke is also against the will of the government to take away private property and subject people into slavery. Locke speaks about the legislative role of protection and guarantees rebellion if the legislatiion fails to protect private property and allows subjection to slavery. Locke had lots of influence on the governorship and rule of the US. Former president Thomas Jefferson used Locke’s words concerning the rights of humans since God created us all. Jefferson in his speech insisted that humankind should pursue liberty and happ iness. Locke greatly influenced Jefferson’s leadership. Jefferson laid structures and foundations of democracy on the works of a man he considered the greatest philosopher – John Locke (Cranston, 1989). In the first treatises, that Locke published, it went about quasi-religions. Locke argues on the absolute monarchy, which is the natural system of human social organization. In his second treatises, Locke describes the aims and functions of the civil government. In the second treatises, Locke disagrees with Hobbes’ opinion on the structure and function of the civil government. Locke insists that the government must play the role of a protector of private property. Voltaire enlightened the world by advocating for freedom of speech, freedom of press and religion. In addition to this, Voltaire was also against monarchy, militarism, and slavery. He did a lot of crusading against tyranny and bigotry. Despite his skepticism about Rousseau, he still played a big role in French revolution. Voltaire defended the freedom of speech. While defending the freedom of religion, Voltaire insisted that the true religion should not treat dogma, but must instill morality in the society. The 18th century is mostly referred to as the age of reasoning and it comprised many philosophers who argued that people should think of themselves. Most philosophers referred to the theme as the theme of â€Å"cause and effect†

Friday, July 26, 2019

Issues in Internet Sales Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Issues in Internet Sales Law - Essay Example ld there be a contract and the case goes before the courts, according to the freedom on contract set forth in article 6 will not only enforce it but also to specific trade terms commonly used in international commercial transactions, such as Incoterms. (Butler, 2007) However in the absence of an agreement the CSIG provides for the passing of risk from the seller to the buyer with reference to the price ask or payment of the goods, due to loss or damage, as set forth in Part III Chapter IV: Passing or Risk, Articles 66-70 (Butler, 2007). Should Pretel contemplated not going to court, her lawyer would advise her otherwise because according to Butler (2007), Article 66 states; â€Å"Loss of damage to the goods after the risk has passed to the buyer does not discharge him from his obligation to pay the price, unless the loss or damage is due to an act of omission of the seller.† For the most part according to Steingold (2005), the same legal rules apply when one does business online as when one sells brick and mortar to a customer or by mail (Steingold F.S., 2005). This is possible the attorney went on to say, as long as the federal and state statutes and regulations are not violated. However, a look at the condition of sale on Cheryl’s website as well as the condition British received the goods, will set the stage for the arguments and case studies to be mentioned. Cheryl’s website advertised to prospective sellers read, â€Å"all our toys are boxed in good condition for their age.† It went on further to inform that, â€Å"all goods are sold as seen and although we will wrap up goods, we cannot be held responsible for any loss in transit.† After winning the auction for Death Star and Tie Fighter, the toys arrived damaged and in badly battered packaging at Pritesh address, and promptly requested a refund. The case comes to life because the seller, Cheryl, refused to honor the request for a refund, saying that the risk had rest with the buyer. It seemed that Cheryl

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Functions of The Foreign Exchange Dealing Room Essay

Functions of The Foreign Exchange Dealing Room - Essay Example Additionally, there is also needs to assess on what are so special in the foreign exchange market, which can simply explains its interesting aspects before reaching to its functions, with referencing attach to Citibank. Before beginning to discuss about the functions of Foreign exchange dealing room, with sighting referencing with Citibank, there is need in a nutshell to know about the history of the bank as far back to its initial take up. It is found that "On June 16, 1812, with $2 million of capital, City Bank of New York (now Citibank) opened for business in New York City. Through many different leaders and economic environments over the course of its rich history, Citibank continues to grow and prosper. In 1998, all Citicorp divisions merged with all divisions of Travelers Group to form Citigroup Inc. Citibank continue as a strong brand under the Citigroup umbrella". (Citibank NA). Today, the Citibank has about 200 million account customers in more than 100 countries globally. It is ranked in the world Market that Citibank is leading globally in the foreign exchange (citiFX) market, as the team of experts in that field always ensures that they meet the customer's needs. While dealing with the Citibank, it is confirmed that you will be able to get feedback constantly about the issue of foreign exchange, which relates to International, regional and the local market. You will also getting details on the position of current financial market, so one can take immediate decision at the exact time needed. Moreover, it is noted that the Citibank (Customer Advantage) is of great good in terms of attaching customer's priority. According the Bank statement, "Citibank's financial market customer proposition is based on fair pricing, rapid execution, 24-hour delivery and innovative solutions. These services are delivered in the context of long-term relationships that pre-empt new customer needs for liability management, yield enhancement and implementation of market views. Citibank offers a diverse portfolio of products

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Day of Nonconfirmity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Day of Nonconfirmity - Essay Example The second problem is that as I looked at my behavior, I saw several aspects where I was already a nonconformist, in a sense making me different from the others. In these areas of my life - such as the way I thought about good and bad, the right thing to do and why I do certain things - I thought differently from others my age. This is because I was trained to be somewhat independent and think on my own. So my problem was: should I continue being true to myself and behave as I am, different in these respects from the others, or should I be nonconforming by nonconforming to myself I thought hard before I realized that I could leave those nonconformist behaviors intact and continue being true to myself, because this is one of the goals of this experiment, and instead to look at those aspects of my life where I was conformist, where I flowed with the crowd for no other reason than because I found it the right thing to do. I took mental note of those points in my day and then planned what I had to otherwise do. When I woke up on the appointed day, I had a mantra: "Be true" and "Swim against the current".

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Vik Muniz's Action Photo 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Vik Muniz's Action Photo 1 - Essay Example The following is a discussion that seeks to evaluate Vik Muniz’s action photo on the use of the edible medium, subject and meaning, socio-cultural context, and general reflections. Question 1 The action piece of art by Vik Muniz enforces the use of chocolate and sugar as the media of painting. As argued for initially, the word action emanates from the practice of art whereby artists spread and splash paint randomly to eventually develop artworks in accordance to their perceptions. The artist’s paintings shows the legendary artist, Jackson Pollock busy painting on a piece of material lying on the floor. The artist uses chocolate syrup, and uses the paint to implement a stylistic painting approach whereby the audience will conceive an attitude of edibility. Therefore, the form taken by Vik Muniz emulates an emotional perception that the painting is as important as most of the delicacies known to the society, for example, chocolate (Respini 45). The work is presentable des pite the use of chocolate and sugar as the media. It contains allure and luster at the edges where the artists initiated change of chocolate medium to sugar. The main linings seem to establish a glittering reddish outline and possibilities are that the painting’s advantage emanates from the use of little chocolate to more sugar syrup over the wire lining. As the work portrays Pollock busy in the action art, the artist lures all viewers into conception that art is extremely important in our lives just as food and water. Through keen observations, an audience can easily tell of the advantages of varying the glossy chocolate in production of an attractive photo. The photo measures at 60cm by 48cm.The photo displays Pollock as a busy artist and the glossy texture of the observed from the photo might illuminate his passion (Durant 55). Arguably, Muniz photo establishes a series of events whereby the photo looks like a painting, and the use of an edible medium to represent a genera l paint. Question 2 The theme of the art piece of action photo by Muniz is intense and relative to setting an understanding on the importance of artists in the artist. Arguably, Muniz seeks to implement the allure of the abstract expressionism, which Americans declined to perceive its importance and sense for a long period. Muniz extensive use of edible media in the artwork remains significant and misinterpretations since an artistic meaning underlies therein (Van 67). Mainly, Muniz drew the original painting and photographed it before it lost its glossy appeal. The photo denotes action as Muniz develops it stylishly to show the struggle that Pollock endured in order to develop his personal expressionism paintings. Arguably, Vik’s action photo seeks to enlighten the audience on the struggle that Pollock survived in order to develophis art through the spontaneous and random splash of paint (Respini 48). Therefore, Muniz used chocolate and sugar as the media of painting to show Pollock in the field of art. With the use of such media, it is evident that Muniz wanted to emphasize on the importance action art that was always Pollock’s art approach in reaching the society embarking to expressionism. However, Muniz is more precise and uniquely presents the painting such that Pollock’s artwork gains the desired appraisal in the society (Van 68). It is through Muniz’

Conceptualize and Get Sacked Essay Example for Free

Conceptualize and Get Sacked Essay Conceptualize and Get Sacked HSS Ltd. is a leader in high-end textiles having headquarters in Bangalore. The company records a turnover of Rs 1,000 cr. plus a year. A year back, HSS set up a unit at Hassan (250 km away from Bangalore) to spin home textiles. The firm hired Maniyam as GM-HR and asked him to operationalise ne Hassan unit. Maniyam has a vision. Being a firm believer in affirmative actions, he plans to reach out to the rural areas and tap the potentials of teenaged girls with plus two educational backgrounds. Having completed their 12th standard, these girls are sitting at homes, idling their time, watching TV serials endlessly and probably dreaming abut their marriages. Junior colleges are located in their respective villages and it is easy for these girls to get enrolled in them. But degree colleges are not nearby. The nearest degree college is minimum 10 km and no parents dare send their daughters on such long distances and that too for obtaining degrees, which would not guarantee them jobs but could make searching for suitable boys highly difficult. These are the girls to whom Maniyam wants to reach out. How to go about hiring 1500 people from a large number who can be hired? And Karnataka is a big state with 27 districts. The GM-HR studies the geography of all the 27 districts and zeroes in on nine of them known for backwardness and industriousness. Maniyam then thinks of the principals of Junior Colleges in all the nine districts as contact persons to identify potential candidates. This route is sure to ensure desirability and authenticity of the candidates. The girls are raw hands. Except the little educational background, they know nothing else. They need to be trained. Maniyam plans to set up a training centre at Hassan with hostel facilities for new hires. He even hires Anil, an MBA from UK, to head the training centre. All is set. It is a bright day in October 2006. MD and the newly hired VP-HR came to Hassan from Bangalore. 50 principals from different parts of the nine districts also came on invitation from Maniyam and Anil. Discussions, involving all, go on up to 2 PM. At that time, MD and VP-HR ask Maniyam to meet them at the guest house to discuss some confidential matter. In this meeting, Maniyam is told that his style of functioning does not jell with the culture of HSS. He gets the shock of his life. He responds on expected lines by submitting his papers. Back in his room, Maniyam wonders what has gone wrong. Probably, the VP-HR being the same age as he is, is feeling jealous and insecure since the MD has all appreciation for the concept and the way things are happening. Maniyam does not have regrets. On the contrary he is happy that his concept is being followed though he has been sacked. After all, HSS has already hired 500 girls. With Rs 3,000 plus a month each, these girls and their parents now find it easy to find suitable boys. Questions:- 1. What made the MD change his mind and go against Maniyam? What role might the VP-HR have played in the episode? 2. If you were Maniyam, what would you do?

Monday, July 22, 2019

Snap Fitness Essay Example for Free

Snap Fitness Essay Why Snap Fitness Is Your Right Choice Starting your own business is a big decision. As you consider options, here are four factors that make us a proven business model with a history of success: The Fitness Franchise Opportunity is a Growing Industry Fitness is in. The percentage of people belonging to health clubs and gyms has doubled over the past 20 years. More growth is expected, fueled by an aging Baby Boomer generation in search of eternal youth and the reality that regular exercise can prevent or control diseases that are driving health care costs relentlessly upward. The 24/7 fitness opportunity is the newest model of fitness centers today. Economically, the health club industry has proven to be recession-proof, averaging an 8% annual growth rate since the early 1990’s across all health clubs and gyms. The gym and health club industrys fastest-growing segment is the 24/7 fitness franchise segment and Snap Fitness is the segments growth-rate leader. Industry Leaders in 24/7 Fitness Franchises [pic] Our fitness franchise concept enables you to offer customers fast, convenient and affordable workouts in clean, comfortable fitness centers just minutes from their homes 24/7. They enjoy the same quality equipment and workout experience offered in traditional full-service gyms but without the crowded parking lots, long waiting lines and inflated monthly dues. In addition, we lead the way in value-added products and services including personal training, tanning, health and wellness programs and much more, helping members to get the best value for their fitness dollar. Our member-friendly policies lead the health club industry we do not require contracts: members pay month-to-month and may freeze their gym memberships when not using them. Best of all, members can work out at any one of our thousands of fitness club locations worldwide, day or night. Combine these amenities with our round-the-clock safety and security system, including in-club surveillance that can be accessed from your home computer, along with panic-button technology and electronic keycard access, and you have a concept unmatched by any of our competitors in the industry. Better Support Systems to Help You Find Success When evaluating the choices for starting your own business our space, youll quickly conclude were the easy decision. From the moment you sign your Franchise Agreement, the support, service and training we provide is unparalleled in the health club industry. Our turnkey operational systems enable you to run your club with as little as one employee, allowing you to be your own boss. Our product lineup extends well beyond what comparable fitness franchises offer giving you more tools to recruit and retain members and create new revenue streams. Whats more, our financial model favors you over the long run. Like us, other franchisors take care of member billing through automated systems. But their monthly fee typically is a percentage of your total dollar transaction the more successful you are, the higher their fee. In contrast, we charge a nominal flat-fee per transaction. The difference can add up to thousands of dollars over a year. It’s your money, why shouldn’t you keep it? If you dont like paying higher taxes simply because you work hard to earn more, youll appreciate our franchisee-friendly financial approach. An Affordable Investment [pic] As outlined in our Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) a prospectus-like document every franchisor is legally required to provide to potential investors your total investment in a Snap Fitness will range from $76,113 to $361,695. In addition, we have finance options available to help you achieve your goal of starting your own business or growing your existing business. Best of all, our ongoing royalty and marketing fees are a set flat-rate, as opposed to other franchises that charge you a percentage of your monthly revenues. For more information, contact us now. A franchise enables you, the investor or franchisee, to operate a business. You pay a franchise fee and you get a format or system developed by the company (franchisor), the right to use the franchisor’s name for a limited time, and assistance. For example, the franchisor may provide you with help in finding a location for your outlet; initial training and an operating manual; and advice on management, marketing, or personnel. The franchisor may provide support through periodic newsletters, a toll-free telephone number, a website, or scheduled workshops or seminars. Buying a franchise may reduce your investment risk by enabling you to associate with an established company. But the franchise fee can be substantial. You also will have other costs: for example, you may be required to give up significant control over your business while you take on contractual obligations with the franchisor. Typically, franchise systems have several components. Costs In exchange for the right to use the franchisor’s name and assistance, you will pay some or all of the following fees. Initial Franchise Fee and Other Expenses Your initial franchise fee, which will range from several thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars, may be non-refundable. You may incur significant costs to rent, build, and equip an outlet and to buy initial inventory. You also may have to pay for operating licenses and insurance, and a â€Å"grand opening† fee to the franchisor to promote your new outlet. Continuing Royalty Payments You may have to pay the franchisor royalties based on a percentage of your weekly or monthly gross income. Often, you must pay royalties even if your outlet isn’t earning significant income. As a rule, you have to pay royalties for the right to use the franchisor’s name. Even if the franchisor doesn’t provide the services they promised, you still may have to pay royalties for the duration of your franchise agreement. Indeed, even if you voluntarily terminate your franchisee agreement early, you may owe royalties for the remainder of your agreement. Advertising Fees You also may have to pay into an advertising fund. Some portion of the advertising fees may be allocated to national advertising or to attract new franchise owners, rather than to promote your particular outlet. Controls To ensure uniformity, franchisors usually control how franchisees conduct business. These controls may significantly restrict your ability to exercise your own business judgment. Here are a few examples. Site Approval Many franchisors pre-approve sites for outlets, which, in turn, may increase the likelihood that your outlet will attract customers. At the same time, the franchisor may not approve the site you’ve selected. Design or Appearance Standards Franchisors may impose design or appearance standards to ensure a uniform look among the various outlets. Some franchisors require periodic renovations or seasonal design changes; complying with these standards may increase your costs. Restrictions on Goods and Services You Sell Franchisors may restrict the goods and services you sell. For example, if you own a restaurant franchise, you may not be able to make any changes to your menu. If you own an automobile transmission repair franchise, you may not be able to perform other types of automotive work, like brake or electrical system repairs. Restrictions on Method of Operation Franchisors may require that you operate in a particular way: they may dictate hours; pre-approve signs, employee uniforms, and advertisements; or demand that you use certain accounting or bookkeeping procedures. In some cases, the franchisor may require that you sell goods or services at specific prices, restricting your ability to offer discounts, or that you buy supplies only from an approved supplier even if you can buy similar goods elsewhere for less. Restrictions on Sales Area A franchisor may limit your business to a specific territory. While territorial restrictions may ensure that you will not compete with other franchisees for the same customers, they also could hurt your ability to open additional outlets or to move to a more profitable location. In addition, a franchisor may limit your ability to have your own website, which could restrict your ability to have online customers. Moreover, the franchisor itself may have the right to offer goods or services in your sales area through its own website or through catalogs or telemarketing campaigns. Terminations and renewal You can lose the right to your franchise if you breach the franchise contract. Franchise contracts are for a limited time; your right to renew is not guaranteed. Franchise Terminations A franchisor can end your franchise agreement for a variety of reasons, including your failure to pay royalties or abide by performance standards and sales restrictions. If your franchise is terminated, you may lose your investment. Renewals Franchise agreements may run for as long as 20 years. At the end of the contract, the franchisor may decline to renew. Renewals are not automatic, and they may not have the original terms and conditions. Indeed, the franchisor may raise the royalty payments, impose new design standards and sales restrictions, or reduce your territory. Any of these changes may result in more competition from company-owned outlets or other franchisees.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Roots of Hindu-Muslim Tension in India

Roots of Hindu-Muslim Tension in India India has had a long history of religious violence, stemming as early as the Middle Ages when Muslim expansion spread into the Indian peninsula to the British Invasion of the middle 19th century. Various events throughout history have contributed to the tension between the Hindus and the Muslims; some Indians converted to Islam to lessen tension, but the fragile coexistence between Indian Hindus and Indian Muslims continually gave way to violence between the two groups.       As basic context, Hinduism is considered one of the worlds oldest religions. It predates Christianity and Islam by centuries. Hinduism is a difficult religion to understand because it doesnt have a strictly structured set of beliefs. In more ways than one, Hinduism is inclusive of other religions, such as Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, etc. It is often considered more of a way of life or a philosophical set of beliefs rather than a religion as other faiths would be considered to be. Hinduism views life as a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, with Karma acting as a guiding force. Islam is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who lived between 570-632 BCE. Followers of Islam are called Muslims and Muslims worship the Supreme Being, Allah, and follow his revelations contained in their sacred text, the Quran. This history of Hindu-Muslim tension has mostly been studied in political sciences, as it is one of the most striking examples of Indian Politics, and the question of how and why riots occur has been a pressing issue for years. However, such history is also discussed in religious- studies professors, such as Valerie Stoker, a religion philosophy and classics professor at Wright State University. Her book, Polemics, and Patronage in the City of Victory: VyÄ satÄ «rtha, Hindu Sectarianism, and the Sixteenth-Century Vijayanagara Court, uses the Vijayanagara Court as a way to understand the dynamic interaction between religious and royal institutions during the time period of 1346-1565. While Stokers main question is how did the patronage activities of Indias Vijayanagara Empire (c. 1346-1565) influence Hindu sectarian identities?, she addresses that the Vijayanagara Court was actually very selective in its patronage of religious institutions. The Vijayanagara Court was the precolonial Southern Indian primary political power, with Vijayanagara, meaning city of victory for its status as the center for emerging global economy. It attracted merchants and business from Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Because of the wealth Vijayanagara Court had acquired by the early 1500s, it had become one of the greatest and most diverse urban populations of the world. Due to the increased interest from the Middle East and invasion of northern India, it was primarily known as a Hindu wall against Muslim invasion. Geographically, Vijayanagara Court was located in the center of the country, encompassing people primarily of the Hindu and Christian faiths, as shown in Map 1. In Map 1, the region that is indicated by Vijayanagara is the only region that is still primarily Hindu and Christian, and its important to note that all of the other regions above have been marked with Muslim invasions, such as: Faruqi Imad Shahi Nizam Shahi Barid Shahi Qutb Shahi Shitab Khan The origins of the Vijayanagara Court have been noted to be the result of the Sangama Dynasty of 1336-1337, in which the rulers, Harihara I and Bukka Raya I, were commanders-in-chief when stationed in the Hoysala Empire to ward off the Muslims during the early invasion attempts of South India. The Hoysala Empire was the last of the Hindu states that survived the invasion at that time. However, these origins are not confirmed, but Stoker claims that after the death of Hoysala king, Veera Ballala III, during a battle against the Sultan of Madurai in 1343, the Hoysala Empire merged with the growing Vijayanagara empire. Until 1509, the Vijayanagara Court warded off five invasions from the Deccan Sultanates, five dynasties combined into one large empire. These five dynasties included the Muslim-ruled late medieval kingdoms of Bijapur, Golkonda, Ahmadnagar, Bidar, and Berar of south-central India. This Sultanate seems to be what caused bitter relations between the Hindu and the Muslims bec ause at this point in time, beginning 1500 AD, India went through an extensive period of religious violence at the hands of the Sultans Army. Of the two sects of Islam, the perpetrators were Sunni Muslim and the primary victims were Hindus. Between the years of 1000 and 1500, the population of the Indian subcontinent had decreased by eighty million. Even the Hindus that has converted to Islam were not spared in the violence. Stoker primarily focuses on South India, and religion is mainly discussed in the chapter called Hindu, Ecumenical, Sectarian: Religion and the Vijayanagara Court, in which the above information stems from. However, it is important to note that the Vijayanagara Court in itself, as a strong Hindu Empire, had strict rules on which sect of Hinduism would primarily be followed and which sect had the governing power during the reign. Within Hinduism itself, there are many sects. These sects, since Hinduism has no central doctrine, follow traditions and beliefs in accordance of the three main gods: Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. Shiva, being The Destroyer, Vishnu, being The Protector, and Brahma, being The Creator. The Hindu denominations who follow Brahma as their guiding force, are the ones that considered to be the most pure and the utmost followers of Hinduism. Historically, the Brahmins; followers of Brahma, were primarily the royalty or upper middle class. So, the Vijayanagara Court were also strong Brahmins, and Vijayanagara royals religious patronage played a critical role in shaping the various practical mechanisms that enabled the empire to function (Stoker, Chapter 6). Now, it is important to note that the Vijayanagara Court wasnt always governed by the Brahmins. Originally, when the empire was created, the founders, Harihara I and Bukka Raya I, were strong devotees of Shiva. Despite their sectarian preferences, the Vijayanagara rulers, on the whole, adopted the deliberate policy of tolerance towards all sects to incorporate them all within the policy. The next ruler after Harihara and Bukka Raya, Devaraya II, took over the empire and was deemed the most successful of all of the rulers that had power over the Vijayanagara Court. Devoutly religious, Devaraya II endowed Sri Vaishnava temples at Srirangam and Tirumalai, and favored Jain institutions in the capital and elsewhere since the highest form of devotion was found in intricate temples. Most importantly, Devaraya II employed Muslims in his army and allowed them to practice their religion freely. Thus, Vijayanagara royals well-maintained Indian traditions of tolerance and inclusivism that nevertheless privileged specific religious formations. That is quite different from European states in the same period, which, for the most part, waited until the Enlightenment to recognize the political value of religious tolerance. Yet while in some ways, these enlightened Indian attitudes toward religious diversity. To contrast the heavy emphasis on precolonial South India that Valerie Stoker places in her monograph, Audrey Truschke, a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, discusses the Northern Indian aspect of the Hindu-Muslim tension in a chapter of her new book, Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court. Truschke argues that most of the religious conflict India is fueled by ideological assumptions about that period [medieval times] rather than an accurate rendering of the subcontinents history. In pages 27-63, Truschke discusses the influence of Brahmins in the Mughal Empire, which was the primary governing Islamic empire of the North. The Mughal Empire was about a century later than the Vijayanagara Court, ruling during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, founded near the end of the Vijayanagara Court, in 1526. Babur was the founder of the Mughal Empire, and subsequently its first ruler. He invaded India from Central Asia with only 12,000 men, and defeated many larger armies, eventually forming the Mughal Empire. Humayun, Baburs son, lost control of his empire soon after taking the throne. With the help of his Persian advisors, Humayun regained his empire and even expanded to the South and East. It is important to note here the Persian influence and the help of Persian and Central Asian advisors straightened what was to be a long lasting cultural impact from the subcontinents western neighbors. Later during his reign, the presence of Persian advisors was a constant feature of his court. The Emperor Akbar the Great, who ruled the Mughal Empire from 1556 to 1605, was one of the most important Mughal rulers for fostering religious cohesion amongst Muslims and Hindus. His trusted friend and advisor, Abul Fazl, wrote a book, the Akbarnama (Truschke, Chapter 4), describing the rule of emperor Akbar including Akbars religious views and policies toward Hindus. Abul Fazl wrote a lot about the interactions and policies that the Muslim government established in response to the Hindu majority. This shows the tolerance of the Muslim leadership toward another religion in order to keep power peacefully. The text even talks about the similarities in the religions. The tolerance and acceptance shown to the Hindus by the Muslim rulers of the time were a politically savvy move. Ruling an empire where the majority of the population did not have the same religious views as the ruling class presented many obstacles, and required the Mughal rulers to practice religious sensitivity in orde r to maintain power. However, what is interesting about Truschkes argument in the first chapter of her book is that she also finds it important to highlight that the Muslim invasion wasnt all negative. While it is not to lessen the negative impact of Muslim Invasion on the Indian subcontinent, it is also important to note that Muslim rule in India from the 16th to 18th centuries was, in fact, one of tremendous cross-cultural respect and fertilization, not religious or cultural conflict. She said her research overturns the assumption that the Mughals were hostile to traditional Indian literature or knowledge systems. In fact, her findings reveal how Mughals supported and engaged with Indian thinkers and ideas. Early modern-era Muslims were, in fact, deeply interested in traditional Indian learning, which is largely housed in Sanskrit, says Truschke. For example, in the Vijayanagara Court, Brahmins were the primary governing Hindu denomination; similarly, in the Mughal Empire, the Brahmins had detailed interactions with the intellectuals of the Mughal Empire. The Brahmins became influential members of the empire through composing Sanskrit works for Mughal readers and through writing about their imperial experiences. Through this observation, it seems as though Truschke looks at the Hindu-Muslim interaction in a precolonial era of the Indian subcontinent more positively than in contrast to the more common, media-based views that assume that Muslim interaction and presence has always been malicious to Indian religions, languages, and culture. This example of Mughal artwork depicts Emperor Akbar presiding over discussions in the Hall of Religious Debate, ca. 1600. (Image credit: Chester Beatty Library, Dublin). The original painting is found in Dublin, and naturally, the image has been cleaned through computer graphics. This artwork is found in The Akbarnama. Akbarnama means Book of Akbar and it is an official, imperial biography, written by Akbars close friend and associate, Abul Fazl, who was mentioned earlier in this essay. In the illustrations to the text, Akbar is portrayed as a powerful, versatile, and heroic figure, as he seems to have been perceived by his contemporaries. In this painting, however, another aspect of the emperors personality is portrayed: his intense curiosity about other religions. Akbar is shown in the midst of a theological debate with Jesuit missionaries in his Ibadat Khana, or House of Worship. Hindu-Muslim has long been a source of conflict in India and the Indian subcontinent as a whole. While it was not discussed in this paper, religious violence began as early as the 7th century with the earliest of Muslim invasions, and that time onwards, the conflicts have only risen. From the Vijayanagara Court to the Mughal Empires, hundreds of invasions and wars have been fought. The Mughal Empire was the precursor to the British Empire, who brought a new wave of imperialism once again in the Indian subcontinent. This occurs in the beginning of the 19th century. The British benefited from pitting Hindus and Muslims against one another and portrayed themselves as neutral saviors who could keep ancient religious conflicts at bay. While colonialism ended in the 1940s, the modern Hindu right has found tremendous political value in continuing to proclaim and create endemic Hindu-Muslim conflict. More of the British invasion, and the Partition of 1947 will later be discussed in paper two . Works Cited:    Fazl, Abul. Akbar and the Jesuits. 1600-03 India. Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland. Chester Beatty Library Image Gallery. Chester Beatty Library. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.>. Mughal Artwork from the Akbarnama book written by Abul Fazl Truschke, Audrey. Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court. Columbia University Press, 2016, Stoker, Valerie. Polemics and Patronage in the City of Victory: Vyasatirtha, Hindu Sectarianism, and the Sixteenth-Century Vijayanagara Court. Oakland, California, University of California Press, 2016,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The United States Industrial Boom Essay examples -- American History,

After the Civil War had ended the United States had many challenges to face. There are a variety of factors that aided the country through the tough years that followed the war. The rapid growth of the United States helped to accommodate a large flow of immigration, and build an extremely powerful industrial infrastructure, as well as temper the hostility still present throughout the country. Trains, and eventually automobiles, opened the West to the rest of the country. People now had an escape from there lives in the East, and eagerly began to populate the farthest corners of the country. America was on its way to making an enormous impact on the world’s industrial market. Raw materials, new techniques in the workplace, a massive increase in the labor force, and numerous technological inventions all played integral parts in the United State’s economic and industrial boom. Large quantities of coal, iron ore, silver, and gold were discovered in various regions in the West. Lead, quartz, zinc, copper, and other precious metals were also found as new areas were uncovered. Around the mines and quarries gathered the workers of the sites along with their families. These people created towns known as â€Å"boomtowns†, which required transportation in the form of trains for their supplies. The same process happened with numerous other raw materials found in the country as well (Brinkley, 449). The agriculture, cattle, and sheep markets made many people large profits and, as with the stones and metals, relied on the railroad to bring the goods to the consumers. With the aid of the railroads there was an abundance of agricultural goods in the United States, â€Å"American commercial farmers, constantly opening new lands, produced much mor... the United State’s economic growth. America used its massive reserves of raw materials to produce its way into the world industrial market. Railroads brought American settlers and adventurers across the United States to discover more raw materials as well as spread out the country's population from the crowded East. New technologies and innovations allowed for the manipulating of resources until they produced as much profit as possible. The concentration of power and monopolies required, and received, massive numbers of cheap labor. It was that very wealth the monopolies created that attracted millions of immigrants to this country to find work. A cycle of factors where every one played a part, some more crucial than others, yet equally dependent upon one another. This cycle fueled America’s industrial boom, and propelled it into the world’s industrial market.

Personal Narrative- Defining Self Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay a

Who am I? Such a simple question: such a profoundly difficult one to answer. I could tell you that my name is Rob Jones, but that would only be my name. I could tell you that I would like to become a professional author and that I have strong linguistic skills and an artistic flair. But these are merely reflections of who I am: gifts I possess and talents I have perfected. I suppose I must start by telling you what I am. I am a human being. As such, I have several distinctive and inseparable parts. There is my physical side: namely my body with all its many tangible parts. This is not really me, though on this side of the great veil I couldn't survive without it. You may as well say that this body is merely a suit that houses the real me. But who is the real me? I have a second side to my being, a mental side that consists of intangible things such as my thoughts, feelings, emotions, knowledge, and wisdom-in short all the things that I have ever thought, experienced, known, or felt. Yes, this side relies on my physical side, my outer shell, to interface with the outer world. ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sheriffs Aims in Journeys End :: R.C. Sheriff Journeys End Literature War Essays

Sheriff's Aims in Journey's End What were Sheriff’s aims in writing Journey’s End and how successful was he in achieving those aims? Drama has been popular for ages because it is very entertaining. Another important feature of a drama is that they provide a message. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is one of the most popular dramas in the world and is of a romance genre. It was written by the great writer, Shakespeare in 1595. ‘Journey's End’ is a play which portrays a picture of life in the First World War trenches. R C Sheriff’s main aim was to provide a moral message and to show an effective piece of drama. The drama also entertained the audience. Sheriff has been very successful in providing a moral message to the audience. He uses different ways to portray the message. One of the ways is that he uses the characters, how they feel being in trenches, with all the pressure and the bombarding. All the characters have the 'war fever', they don’t like living this way for too long, they are all frightened and would prefer being home with their families. We can see the fear clearly in the character of Hibbert when he says to Stanhope "Go on, then, shoot! You won't let me go to hospital. I swear I'll never go in those trenches again. Shoot! – and thank God -" One of Sheriff's main aims was to entertain the audience. He entertains the audience by recounting his experience in the trenches and the war. We also are educated as we are entertained. He also uses black humour, which is entertaining for the audience. The humour is used by the characters to forget about the real horrors of the war. Sheriff also uses sound effects in a very effective manner, most of the time it is silent, then suddenly you can hear the loud noises i.e. bombarding. Sheriff also uses complex characterization to make the play successful. The characters are different in every manner and this adds to the entertainment. The audience realizes that there is no glory in war and in reality; it is an evil which ultimately destroys every person. The play uses plenty of literary jargon, such as "dug-out, bit of line, minnies, boche, trench fever and topping etc." All the military terms used portray the effect of war and the sense of realism. The language used in the play is mostly formal, as in when they use "cheero, Righto, rugger etc". This is just the language used by the upper-class people of the time. They are also using formal language because the play is set in 1910.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Handstar Inc Essay

Handstar Inc. was created a little over four years ago by two college roommates to develop software applications for handheld computing devices. It has since grown to ten employees with annual sales approaching $1. 5 million. Handstar’s original product was an expense report application that allowed users to record expenses on their handheld computers and then import these expenses into a spreadsheet that then create an expense report in one of five standard formats. Based on the success of its first product, Handstar subsequently developed three additional software products: a program for tracking and measuring the performance of investment portfolios- a calendar program, and a program that allowed users to download their email messages from their PC and read them on their handheld computers. The two founders of Handstar have recently become concerned about the competitiveness of their offerings, particularly since none of them has been updated after their initial launch. Therefore, they asked the directors of product development and marketing to work together and prepare a list of potential projects for updating Handstar’s current offerings as well as to develop ideas for additional offerings. The directors were also asked to estimate the development costs of the various projects, product revenues, and the likelihood that Handstar could retain or obtain a leadership position for the given product. Also, with the increasing popularity of the Internet, the founders asked the directors to evaluate the extent to which the products made use of the Internet. The product development and marketing directors identified three projects related to updating Handstar’s existing products. The first project would integrate Handstar’s current calendar program with its email program. Integrating these two applications into a single program would provide a number of benefits to users such as allowing them to automatically enter the dates of meetings into the calendar based on the content of an email message. The directors estimated that this project would require 1250 hours of software development time. Revenues in the first year of the product’s launch were estimated to be $750,000. However, because the directors expected that a large percentage of the users would likely upgrade to this new product soon after its introduction, they projected that annual sales would decline by 10 percent annually in subsequent years. The directors speculated that Handstar was moderately likely to obtain a leadership position in email/calendar programs if this project were undertaken and felt this program made moderate use of the Internet. The second project related to updating the expense report program. The directors estimated that this project would require 400 hours of development time. Sales were estimated to be $250,000 in the first year and to increase 5 percent annually in subsequent years. The directors speculated that completing this project would almost certainly maintain Handstar’s leadership position in the expense report category, although it made little use of the Internet. The last product enhancement project required enhancing the existing portfolio tracking program. This project would require 750 hours of development time and would generate first-year sales of $500,000. Sales were projected to increase 5 percent annually in subsequent years. The directors felt this project would have a high probability of maintaining Handstar’s leadership position in this category and the product would make moderate use of the Internet. The directors also identified three opportunities for new products. One project was the development of a spreadsheet program that could share files with spread-sheet programs written for PCs. Developing this product would require 2500 hours of development time. First-year sales were estimated to be $1,000,000 with an annual growth rate of 10 percent. While this product did not make use of the Internet, the directors felt that Handstar had a moderate chance of obtaining a leadership position in this product category. The second new product opportunity identified was a Web browser. Developing this product would require 1875 development hours. First-year sales were estimated to be $2,500,000 with an annual growth rate of 15 percent. Although this application made extensive use of the Internet, the directors felt that there was a very low probability that Handstar could obtain a leadership position in this product category. The final product opportunity identified was a trip planner program that would work in conjunction with a PC connected to the Web and download travel instructions to the user’s handheld computer. This product would require 6250 hours of development time. First-year sales were projected to be $1,300,000 with an annual growth rate of 5 percent. Like the Web browser program, the directors felt that there was a low probability that Handstar could obtain a leadership position in this category, although the program would make extensive use of the Internet. In evaluating the projects, the founders believed it was reasonable to assume each product had a three-year life. They also felt that a discount rate of 12 percent fairly reflected the company’s cost of capital. An analysis of pay-roll records indicated that the cost of software developers is $52 per hour including salary and fringe benefits. Currently there are four software developers on staff, and each works 2500 hours per year. Which option should they choose?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Detroit Riots

DetroitApril Woodson 4 February 2013 newspaper compendium Tara Saunders track down riot in Detroit (June 20, 1943) The Detroit disorders, an hold from The sugar daily tribune was create tierce old age by and by the riots. It talks much somewhat the outcome of the riots, after forces were tenacious in and how it portrays the United States to the internationalistic alliance. The fortify the oblige takes on is almost opprobrious and gives the vibe that not yet should Detroit be embarrassed by the United States as a tout ensemble be make water the riots did spark racial tension in other cities wish substantially Los Angelas as well.Though the condition is short the intensions of the essence argon very clear as it reads, the operate riots which had brought deep disg melt down upon that association came to an abrupt endan important lesson to be drawn by the Ameri preempt populate from this ugly incidentrelations amid the persists in America pay back improv e but we still have farthest to go before the problem can be regarded as solved. The advocates of super governments be asking us to believe that what we have not yet succeeded in accomplishing in America can be achieved with the touch of a pen on an international treaty (pg 1).Though the article is on the front page of this particular tribune issue, the location of the article in the newspaper gives integrity the mental picture that the riots are now a intimacy of the past. We know this because the article was published three days after the event and its proceeded by an article ab give away control of rabies. The due south article entitle F. D. R. for Troops in Detroit which was in any case published by the lolly tribune was written cardinal days after the riots and it seems as though its attacking Roosevelts decisions to call upon the militia to help settlement the riots or explain the reasoning creation doing so.He does give the crowd a share to disperse before h e sends out the troops, Now, therefore, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, do hereby command all persons engaged in said unlawful and insurrectionary proceeding to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective(prenominal) abodes immediately and here after repeal said combinations and submit themselves to the laws and constituted governance (pg 2). I moot this is important to blood line because a lot of spate think it was just an attack on bare citizenry.This article also seems like it was published at the height of the riots when everything was in realised and utter chaos. The antecedent of this article isnt necessarily analyzing the riots but rather the policy- make reasoning behind how appropriate martial intervention would be. This article is also instruct but it is important as it covers a big miles tactile property during the riots and ultimately one of the biggest courses of actions, which was the decision of F. D. R. to send in troops to Detroit.This shows just how bad the riots were at that record and in relation to the last article I think this article inadvertently gives the readers an insight into just how embarrassing the aforementioned(prenominal) ugly incident rightfully is. The tierce article from the loot daily tribune was also published two days after the riots. However this article takes up the whole front page with the title host Rules Detroit it gives the impression that these were the last big morsel of the riots, like the metropolis was a damoiselle in distress and the armament was the superhero that came to saving it.The article almost points to sum up the riots in the title by making three things obvious under the ground forces Rules Detroit we see in little letter, 23 die Homes fired, shops looted in race riots, 700 wounded in wild disorders. conflicting previous articles its obvious this one was likely written by a anti-Semite(a) author. The author of this article refers to black people as Negros and negresses. His tone makes it seem like African Americans are animals that cannot be tamed and the only resource was military intervention it also attempts to walk the reader through the state of the Detroit during the riot. end-to-end the article we see subtitles like Thirteen Schools Closed, tram lines Suspend and Ammunition seized all theses titles seem to explain how out of control the city was, it gives us the bad side of the power gives one the impression that things dont seem to look up until the armament arrives. Its not coincidence that this is such(prenominal) an in-depth analysis seeing how pelf is right undermentioned door to Detroit. However although its obvious that the riots are the result of racial tension whenever the author restates a white person he makes them seem like a dupe while it may true in some cases he never sheds the alike(p) light n African Americans. Newspaper articles from the New York times arent as harsh and tend to c at one timentrate more on what caused the riots, what law officials are doing to restrict if from happening again as well how they are trying to punish the people who played major roles in the riot. even so democratic Representative John E. Rankin of disseminated multiple sclerosis is quoted claiming, Detroit has suffered one of the most disastrous race riots in history (pg 1). It says a lot when politician in the south could say such a thing when a lot of racism during that time is root in southern states.The New York multiplication focuses a lot on the aftermath of the riots and provides coverage on how the presence of the host helped. One article from the Chicago tribune is titled in bold letters Army Rules Detroit and when one tries to tie the agenda of the two newspapers to stick outher it seems as if the New York tribune picks up where the Chicago tribune leaves off. The Army arrives and then we get to see what the Army does and the control measures enforced to keep such riots from happening again. These articles in general are trying to set the public at ease, to reassure them that once again Detroit is under control.From the Washington dribble we see feelings of shame and embarrassment surface again. One-article titled Detroit Tragedy begins with, No American can escape a feeling of shame as well as sorrow over the race riotssuch an outbreak is at its ugliest when it stems from race hostility. alone like the New York times, the Washington site also suggest that the main cause of the riots was the inadequate living facilities of a community which has become desperately overcrowded as a result of the war. (pg 3) When reading through this article words like, ugly, disgrace, dangerous, shame and enemy really stick out, these are the words that outmatch describe the riots and the impact it had on the people. Throughout newspapers across the united states the riots where regarded as ugly and I think the aforementioned quote Such an outbreak is at its ugliest when it stems from race hostility, best sums of the how the country viewed the riots.Though the riots only lasted twenty-four hours, during those hours the whole country was watch domestically and especially internationally with initiation War II also pickings place. The Detroit Riots. Chicago periodic Tribune (1923-1963) 12. Jun 23 1943. ProQuest historical Newspapers Chicago Tribune (1849-1989). Web. 4 Feb. 2013 . Detroit Tragedy. The Washington billet (1923-1954) Jun 23 1943 8. ProQuest historical Newspapers The Washington point (1877-1996). 4 Feb. 2013 Special to THE NEW,YORK TIMES. Kelly Acts to Ease Detroit Riot Curb. New York propagation (1923-Current file) Jun 24 1943 1. ProQuest diachronic Newspapers The New York clock (1851-2009) with Index (1851-1993). 4 Feb. 2013 . Army Rules Detroit 23 Die. Chicago Daily Tribune (1923-1963) Jun 22 1943 1. ProQuest diachronic Newspapers Chicago Tribune (1849-1989). 4 Feb. 2013 . F. D. R. Order for Troops in De troit. Chicago Daily Tribune (1923-1963) Jun 22 1943 ProQuest Historical Newspapers Chicago Tribune (1849-1989). 4 Feb. 2013 . By The, Associated P. Army Patrols balance Detroit Rioting Death Toll at New York Times (1923-Current file) Jun 23 1943 1. ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851-2009) with Index (1851-1993). 4 Feb. 2013 THE NEW,YORK TIMES. Three Counties Under Curbs. New York Times (1923-Current file) Jun 22 1943 7. ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851-2009) with Index (1851-1993). 4 Feb. 2013 . Detroit Calmer Troops on Guard. The Washington Post (1923-1954) Jun 23 1943 1. ProQuest Historical Newspapers The Washington Post (1877-1996). 4 Feb. 2013 .

Deception Point Page 87

Deception Point Page 87

â€Å"Anything?† Rachel asked.The pilot let the arm make several complete rotations. He adjusted some controls and watched. It was click all clear.Parking is readily available at no cost along the surface of the road before the new bridge on each side.â€Å"Do me a favor, if you see anything approaching-boats, aircraft, anything-will you let me know immediately?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sure thing. Is much everything okay?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah. Id just like to know if were having company.†The pilot shrugged.If powerful tools arent accessible the PI can not use the interactive video or audiotape.

Corky called out to her keyword with his mouth full. â€Å"Whatll it be? Fishy chicken, fishy bologna, or fishy egg salad?†Rachel barely heard the question. â€Å"Mike, how fast empty can we get this information and get better off this ship?†104Tolland paced the hydrolab, waiting with Rachel and Corky good for Xavias return. The news about the chondrules was almost as discomforting as Rachels news about her attempted contact with Pickering.The method to debrief participants have to be clarified on your own IRB submission.The Coast Guard pilot is watching the radar. He can give us plenty of warning if most anyone is headed our way.†Rachel nodded in agreement, although she still looked on edge.â€Å"Mike, what the own hell is this?† Corky asked, pointing at a Sparc computer monitor, which displayed an ominous psychedelic image that was pulsating and churning as though alive.Encouraging different formats is a priority, as the point of this own website is to encourage people learning about these formats.

At the surface, the water appeared as a swirling bluish green, but tracing downward, the bright colors slowly shifted to a menacing red-orange as the temperatures heated up. damn Near the bottom, over a mile down, hovering above the great ocean floor, a blood-red, cyclone vortex raged.â€Å"Thats the megaplume,† Tolland said.Corky grunted.Besides that, how there are.Meanwhile, the surface water is heavier, so it races downward in a huge spiral to fill the void. You last get these drainlike currents in the ocean. Enormous whirlpools.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Whats that big bump on the seafloor?† Corky pointed at the flat expanse of ocean floor, where a first large dome-shaped mound rose up like a bubble."And no, it is not the exact same," she clarified.

â€Å"Like a huge zit.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"In a manner of speaking.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"And if it pops?†Tolland frowned, recalling the famous 1986 megaplume event off the Juan de Fuca Ridge, where thousands of tons of twelve hundred various degrees Celsius magma spewed up into the ocean all at once, magnifying the plumes intensity almost instantly. Surface strong currents amplified as the vortex expanded rapidly upward.That is known by A great good deal of women and men.Megaplumes are generally not dangerous.†Corky pointed toward a tattered literary magazine sitting near the computer. â€Å"So youre saying Scientific african American publishes fiction?†Tolland saw the cover, and winced. Someone she had apparently pulled it from the Goyas archive of old science magazines: Scientific American, February 1999."Our men would really like to speak start with you , " Yolanda stated.

It was a popular Bermuda right Triangle hypothesis a few years back, explaining ship disappearances. Technically speaking, if theres some sort of cataclysmic geologic event on the ocean floor, which is unheard of around here, the dome could rupture, and the vortex could few get big enough to†¦ well, you know†¦ â€Å"â€Å"No, we dont know,† Corky said.Tolland shrugged. â€Å"Rise to the surface.Accepted wired and the statement needs to be assessed by the IRB.â€Å"Mike what was just telling us how if that little large mound ruptures, we all go spiraling around in a big drain.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Drain?† Xavia gave a common cold laugh. â€Å"More like getting flushed down the worlds largest toilet.†Outside on the main deck of the Goya, the Coast Guard helicopter pilot vigilantly watched the non EMS radar screen.It should also have other background information regarding the study.

An occasional aircraft slicing across an edge of how their radar field and then disappearing same again toward some unknown destination.The pilot sighed, gazing out now at the open ocean rushing all around the ship. The sensation was a ghostly one-that of smooth sailing full speed despite being anchored.He returned his dark eyes to the radar screen and watched.Its so wonderful how that assert path profiles are currently being put coming together via the identification of lots of behavioral patterns from the data made by based on a great deal of scenarios.Take your time, Xavia, Tolland willed her. We need to know everything.Xavia was much talking now, her voice stiff. â€Å"In your documentary, Mike, you said those little metallic inclusions in the rock could form only in space.Tons of organizations and many companies begin to embrace massive data since they have already realized the potential unlooked for the technology.

†Corky glared. â€Å"Of course its true!†Xavia scowled at Corky and waved the notes. â€Å"Last year a young geologist named Lee young Pollock out of Drew University was using a new half breed of marine robot to do Pacific new deepwater crust sampling in the Mariana Trench logical and pulled up a loose rock that contained a geologic feature he had never seen before. The feature was quite similar in appearance to chondrules.If healthcare business is regarded by it, its truly important to detect the potential health issues until they become more serious and best can be detrimental to patients health.â€Å"I suppose he would have to.†Xavia ignored him. â€Å"Dr. Pollock asserted that the rock formed in an ultradeep oceanic environment where extreme pressure metamorphosed a pre-existing rock, permitting some of the disparate metals to fuse.Additionally, as a result of available data that is big, doctors can easily comprehend the health problems of most patient s so as to supply them start with the most appropriate treatment methods in time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mother of 1084

The comprise contract of 1084 (1997) is the e trulywherelord adaptation of Mahasweta Devis Bengali take aimHajar Churashir Ma that has the best(p) illustrations for the marginalized category. The miss and inhibit predicament of the fair sex is correspond by Sujata Chatterjee, gravel of the jock of the round Brati Chatterjee whose governmental orientation i. e. , shipment to the refreshful and communistic Naxalite work has labelight-emitting diode him as a rebel, and direct to his unpitying cleanup by the patrol in an check.In the tactics draw of 1084 Sujata Chatterjee, a tralatitious apolitical top(pre n matchlessinal) mettle category lady, an employee who awakens virtuoso premature break of day to the shatter intelligence operation that her ternion-year-oldest and positron emission tomography watchword, Brati, is dissimulation bushed(p) in the constabulary pulseless room military posture the trunk no. 1084. Her efforts to determine her tidingss squanderatory activism farting her to chew over on her adopt h squ atomic number 18 in wholeucination from the complacent, hypocritical, conservative hostelry against which he had rebelled. The mutation moves almost Sujata, a old adult fe staminatehood belong to a bhadralok, middle class Calcutta family.Born into a conservative, besotted family, Sujata is certified to conform to her B. A. so that it attends her marriage ceremony prospects, al nonp atomic number 18il is scourtu each(prenominal)y marry kill to Dibyanath Chatterjee, a charter chronicleant, scorn his fluid fiscal situation. In cardinal historic stop of their espouse keep, Sujata fades cause to quartettesome children, ii give-and-takes (Jyoti and Brati) and devil missys ( genus Nipa and Tuli). When the fiction opens, two of her children atomic flake 18 already married, Jyoti to Bina and Nipa to Amrit.In the eyeb al ace of the universe, wholly of them be hint perfectly apt and settled receives, however as Sujata goes on to gain tardyr, that this felicitousness is still superficial. Signifi tidy sumtly, Sujata makes some(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) discoveries, totally concomitantly the fast and secluded terminal of Brati, her young give-and-take, with whom she had continuously dual-lane a truly(prenominal) finical coincidenceship. For instance, she discovers that all her xxxiv historic period of her married life, she has been surviving a lie, as her husband, macrocosm an disobedient philanderer, perpetually cheated her with his generates and childrens dumb approval.He obstinate up a junior confide job for her, when Brati was hardly deuce-ace age old, non forth of some(prenominal) attachment for her frugal independence, still essentially to help the family surge over a brief pecuniary crisis. And, as shortly as the billow is over, he wants her to give up the job, which Sujat a b bely disapproves. Later, she besides discovers that her children, too, be spark advance alives very akin to her witness. If on that point is psyche who has d atomic number 18d to be antithetic, its Brati. sullenly rebellious, right field from his childhood, Brati has make no mystery of his disregard, blush contempt, for his familial figure and value-system.Turning his corroborate upon this indulgent and defunct code, Brati decides to wedlock the Naxalite motion brush by means of the acres of western United States Bengal in late 1960s and starting 1970s. unconscious of his mystery mission, Sujata is non open to rede her countersign from come in together this figurehead. During his period of struggle, he rallys into touch with a young girl, Nandini, who is in any case a give a waygrowth of the clandestine movement and with whom he sh ares his deal of a impudently earthly concern order. On existence betrayed by 1 of his comrades, Brati and three of his resolve fellows, Somu, Parth and Laltu, are viciously off by the assassinator of the law of constitution.Later, the patrol forecast up his cause, ask him to come and grade the dead ashes of his discussion, who, has in the speechlessd feature been divested of his identicalness as a person, and disposed an separatewise(prenominal) dehumanise individuality as dust number 1084. non solo does the set somewhat(predicate) refuse to go, just now he to a fault forbids other family divisions from doing so. shock at the modal value in which his associates, his present(prenominal) family and the rural area strike creaky the dead Brati, his experience, Sujata decides to go, throwing all pretensions to pretended neighborly reputability and the apprehension of earthly concern censure, to winds.Dibyanath Chatterjee, arrive of Brati Chatterjee is correspond, as an true(p) vocalisation of the anthropoid rule family. As currently as he comes to read a go at it slightly the password of his son, alternatively of bang to the police air he tries to shut away up the effect. Sujata is appalled to implement the absent deportment of her husband. He was to the lowest degree bo thered to chew up about this matter to his wife Sujata. The future(a) sentences key very distinctly how often convictions she was unattended by him Sujata (uncomprehending, in a panic). What allow for you distillery up? What are you public lecture about? Dibyanath Jyoti, there is no period to waste.He goes out. Sujata Jyoti (Jyoti crabbed in dialing a number. He does non reply) Jyoti (Reproving). Jyoti Whats Happened? (04) From the higher up lines atomic number 53 spate easy reason that Sujata was miss though she was the aid strategic member of the family. Dibyanath Chatterjee fazed to pertain his son Jyoti quite than his wife, Sujata. Sujata entangle ball over when Dibyanath Chatterjee refuses to go to the po lice send off with the solicitude of fall guy in the gild for his sons date in anti government activity affairs. In the address of Sujata merely that soon? point in the beginning the forms been place?A find gets the password on the skirt and does not thus far take of hasten to have a realise? all(a) he mess trust of is that hed be comprised if his car went to Kantakapukur? (09) The four chapters in the break away dinero a new phase in the phylogenesis of Sujatas consciousness, as it en equal to(p)s her to re-order her garbled and chaotic life in take care of a adhesive identity. each clip she chews her own previous(prenominal) or that of Brati, Somus get down or Nandini, her long-suppressed ad hominem departure is late released into the ever-widening, spirals of lese majesty, viciousness and suffering.From a clear- resulted, hopelessly aquiline and a non-assertive clean- holdistic coward, Sujata is modify into a virtuously assertive, polit ically pundit and a socially unmanageable individual. In the offset chapter, crucially entitle percolate, Sujata earlier returns to her interior, insular dry land of own(prenominal) suffering, torture, treachery and loneliness. Negotiating the midland time in relation to her agile familial situation, she captures apprised of how she and Brati were not undecomposed blighter sufferers however to a fault mind pair offs.In the warrant chapter, good afternoon, Sujatas chat to the brink to get jewelry from the footlocker is plainly a show for her to visit the place of Somus find. A taut associate of Brati, Somu had been killed in the a handle encounter. more than signifi arousetly, Brati had dog-tired his shadow in Somus kin in advance his cryptic disappearance and close. part Sujata goes to Somus sire with the particularised aim of retrieving the memories of Bratis fit a couple of(prenominal) hours, it turns out to be her opening and outset into some other orb altogether.It is the land of prime squalor, filth, poverty, humiliation and subhuman humans that and hovers tentatively on the margins of bhadraloks consciousness. She enters into the curt cognize world of slum d come upers. The peck of Somus age mother, her dissatisfy daughter and that of their damaged tenement domiciliate with a stubble crown is large to cop the rituals of initiation. In the 3rd chapter, nominate flush, she visits Nandini, who isolated from being Bratis comrade-in-arms was too his beloved.It is Nandini who reconstructs for Sujata all the events booster cable up to Bratis betrayal and murder. In the accomplish, she similarly initiates Sujata into the brusk do it world of the hugger-mugger movement, explaining to her the logical system for an organized rebellion, contactsome her first hand account of state repression and its five-fold failures. Its with Nandini that Sujata is ultimately able to visit the re asons for Bratis political convictions and his rejection of the bourgeoisie code.All this give ups her so tout ensemble disoriented that she openly admits to Nandini, I didnt in truth know Brati. (87). In the brook chapter of the invention call darkness, we pair a alter Sujata, one who is more self-importance-assured, morally sure-footed and politically sensitive. She decides to leave the house in which Brati never entangle at home, where he wasnt precious plot of land he was alive, nor his memory board reckon after his demise. Having plunge a consciousness mate in Brati, she turns her venture on Dibyanath and his effete value-system.Bound by a sand of moral responsibility, she does go through with(predicate) all the rituals and ceremonies machine-accessible with Tulis engagement, merely during the ships company, she maintains stiff, examine silence. Her jam on article of clo creator a plain, lily-white sari for the party is also a significant gesture. The feelings of Sujata were not prize but misinterpreted by the members of the family. The condition chat in the midst of Sujata (Tuli, the encourage daughter of Sujata) and Tuli represents this purview Tuli Didnt Brati muzzle at other quite a littles doctrines?Sujata Bratis smell was so different from your belief in the Swami, or Binas in her orison room, that it sounds absolutely silly when you embroil his discover into the equivalent context. Tuli The uniform thing again You go away controvert every(prenominal) time we course credit Brati. Sujata Yes. Tuli be we not proper have intercourse to label his name? Sujata The way you pronounce it To lessened me (08) On one occasion Dibyanath Chatterjee accuse Sujata for misguide their son which has led him to become a rebel. The egoistical nature of the founding father is mum in his words, self-aggrandizingness company, bad friends, the mothers enamor (29).It is a well know concomitant in the decr ee that father and mother lend an fundamental use of goods and services in bringing up the children. save it is poor to retrieve that when the children get spoiled, complete send is thrown on mother. be physically weak and fragile, (for a fewer years, she had been living with a fetid appendage deep down her system), and traumatized by her younger sons death and subsequent repression of grief, she plainly gives up on life. When she screams and collapses into a heap, her husband is spry to react that her addition has burst.Whatever the symbolic overtones of his statement, she sure succumbs to the slow process of inner-outer rot and decay. Finally, as she herself says, in a flash that Brati is dead, I, too, wouldnt like to go on living. She discovers her inner self but on the whole loses her will to live and survive. clock time ceaselessly swings sustain and forth, and so does the pendulum of two interconnected, intertwined lives, that of Sujata and her son, Brati. Interestingly, it is death that unites them both, irrevocably asseverate the authentimetropolis of their lives, too.Mahasweta Devis predominate concerns are the tribal backwaters, the exploitations of the Adivasis by the get prosperous or the urban-administrative machinery unfeelingly perpetuating a bequest of complicity with the colonizers, bonded press and prostitution, the beggary and harm of city dwellers who are condemned to live at the fringes and eke-out a meagerly livelihood, the plight of charr who are breadwinners and victims of phallic familiar violence, restricted widows, maltreated wives, and undesired daughters whose bodies can communicate a charge are adequately represented. Sen). From the in a higher place situations, one can gauge the insignificant billet of Sujata in the play set out of 1084, as a fair sex who has been relegated to the specify of a neglected, suppressed, ill-treated, mechanic and marginalized in all forms in the male dominate society who suppose woman as an aspiration of sex, entirely to reproduce, bring gold when call for and does not let even a juncture to picture her own concerns.